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13906:Spain. Flowers in lattice, red/ yellow brocade. 16th Century Unframed: 220mm x 410mm Framed: 300mm x 490mm


Textile Art 

13906:Spain. Flowers in lattice, red/ yellow brocade. 16th Century Unframed: 220mm x 410mm Framed: 300mm x 490mm


13906:Spain. Flowers in lattice, red/ yellow brocade. 16th Century Unframed: 220mm x 410mm Framed: 300mm x 490mm


Flowers in lattice, red/ yellow brocade. 16th Century
Unframed: 220mm x 410mm
Mounted: 300mm x 490mm

Price is for the textile mounted on a stretched canvas frame. Please enquire directly for shipping costs

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